Hourly, daily and monthly car rental all-inclusive

Rent a car in a flexible way without complications or paperwork 100% online.

  • You only need your ID and driver license
  • All inclusive
  • 100% digital process
  • Home delivery

Car rental 100% flexible


Choose your car & register

Choose the car that best suits your needs, duration and mileage. You only need your ID and driver license.


Pick your car

Once your rental has been validated, you will be able to pick up your car at your selected delivery point.


Your smartphone becomes your car key

Access your account, book your car and open it through the digital key. No contact, no waiting, no hassle.

The car you choose is the car you take

Car rental without waiting. 100% digital. Open and close the car with your smartphone.


Rent a car from hours to months

Forget about unexpected expenses, your rental includes comprehensive insurance. Choose the dates and mileage that best suits you.


Simple & fast

Select one of our vehicles and book it for the time you need.